
February 20, 2004

Can Minnesota Be Far Behind?

Can Minnesota Be Far Behind? - The New Mexico house just passed a law requiring a breathalizer interlock on car ignitions.

It would require the devices on new vehicles by 2008 and on used vehicles offered for sale by 2009.

Ignition interlocks prevent vehicles from being started when the driver is drunk.

The measure’s sponsor, Grants Democrat [what else?] Ken Martinez, says it would save lives.

He says putting ignition interlocks on every car, truck and commercial vehicle would shift the focus from punishment to prevention.

New Mexico already requires ignition interlocks for some convicted drunken drivers.

Opponents complain that requiring them on every vehicle would be costly to businesses and to the vast majority of citizens, who obey the law.

The bill now goes to the Senate.

Where, hopefully, it will die and disappear without a trace.

The Volokhs, however, do a fascinating comparison that shows the hypocrisy of those who favor such laws and trigger-lock guards on handguns in the home.

Posted by Mitch at February 20, 2004 04:50 AM