
February 20, 2004

Poison Harpoon

Poison Harpoon - Brainstorming points out this superb response by a retired Navy commander to Robert Byrd's specious criticism of the President's visit to the USS Lincoln.

The whole thing is great, and you need to read it all. I won't paste the whole thing...

...just this bit, which is a wondrous masterpiece:

"If you had spent some time in the service, instead of the Klan, you might understand the significance of that moment to all the men and women aboard the Lincoln, and indeed to all the men and women in the service who shared that moment vicariously. But you chose the bedsheet instead of the uniform, and so you don't.
I am half-tempted to move to West Virginia just so I could vote against you in your next election."
RTWT, natch.

Posted by Mitch at February 20, 2004 05:00 AM