
February 21, 2004

Overly Broad Brush

Overly Broad Brush - Longtime "Shot" correspondent Dexter Van Zile writes about my post on Christopher Lydon, who may be hosting a political blog show at MPR:

The man did some tremendous shows at WBUR. One of his shows on classical music was absolutely brilliant. I can’t remember the name of the guest, but I was listening to it in my car and as the commentator was describing a passage of music, I was stunned by the exposition. I am not kidding. I pulled over and listened to the damn radio.

If he ends up at MPR, it will be a good thing.

I've heard Lydon - he is actually fairly good. Much better than Lanpher ever was.

But I think you could put Sean Hannity into MPR, and the show he did would come out warped to the left.

Posted by Mitch at February 21, 2004 07:38 AM