
March 24, 2004

"In The Sights"

"In The Sights" - The left is now in a tizzy about the footage indicating that, sometime before 9/11 but after Bush's inauguration, a Predator drone allegedly had Bin Laden spotted.


  1. In those pre-9/11 days, how do you think a government assassination of a foreigner - not even a foreign leader - would have gone down? That's hard enough for our government to do even i wartime; in the opening days of the war in Afghanistan, a Predator had Mullah Omar dialled in, and we couldn't get the trigger pulled.
  2. Everyone's assuming the Predator was armed. To the best of my knowledge (stop me if you know I'm wrong), Predators were only armed (with a pair of Hellfire missiles) on operational missions after the war started. Would the Predator that saw (allegedly) Bin Laden have been able to shoot at all? Remember - a Predator that was forced down, or had mechanical problems, over a foreign country at all would have been a diplomatic disaster (and you know how the left loves diplomacy, right?) Now - if the Predator were armed with with live missiles - see where this is going?
The Democrats are trying their damnedest to paint Bush as soft on terror. I don't know whether to laugh or...laugh harder, I guess.

Posted by Mitch at March 24, 2004 05:46 AM