
March 26, 2004


Outrage? - This email was forwarded to me by Colonel Fingers (congrats!), after a roundabout journey from Kirkuk Airbase in Iraq:

All outside US flags need to come down per CENTAF guidance. Col Gibson is taking this back to CENTAF. Inside flags are good, Chief [deleted]

We are allowed to put the flag up for special days or events, but we can't have it up all the time implying that we are occupying Iraq. Chief [deleted]

In the email I received, it drew this response:
Sir, When we carry the bodies of our fallen men and women to the aircraft for their final flight home, can we still drape the coffins with our flag, or will that still offend the people that we are dying for so they can be liberated.

Posted by Mitch at March 26, 2004 07:36 AM