
March 26, 2004


Advice - Mickey Kaus has advice for the President:

"P.S.: I was seated next to two soldiers who'd returned injured from Iraq and were being treated at Walter Reed hospital. If I'd known Bush's joke was going to be a major object of puffed-up outrage, I would have monitored their reactions closely. But I didn't. They certainly didn't register any audible displeasure. ...
P.P.S.: The soldier sitting closest to me clearly liked Bush, perhaps because he had just seen the president, in person, for the third time. Apparently, Bush pays regular visits to wounded soldiers at Walter Reed. Did you know that? I didn't. Admittedly, it's easier to visit the wounded than to go to funerals, which Bush has been accused of not doing enough of. Still ...
The politics behind the visits to Walter Reed are interesting. They don't make the media - but I'm thinking they're great "viral marketing" (as it were) - keeping relations with the Red States strong, but using his relationship with the military to bolster his share of the minority vote.

That's how I read it, anyway.

What do you think?

Posted by Mitch at March 26, 2004 07:53 AM