
March 30, 2004

I Knew It!

I Knew It! - On last weekend's Northern Alliance Radio Network, I predicted that "all-news" station WMNN would be the Twin Cities' outlet for FrankenNet "Air America", the new liberal talk network. The signs were there - low ratings, no power, and they were running a show, "Higher Ground", on mid-days featuring the heart-rendingly lovely but politically hopeless Colleen Kruse.

Via Steve Gigl, I see I was right.

Sort of:

"Al Franken's new show on the liberal Air America radio network has effected a last-minute landing at Minneapolis' WMNN-AM 1330 just in time for its national debut tomorrow.
WMNN station manager Scott Murray confirmed that the new show, 'The O'Franken Factor,'' will air from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. tomorrow 'if we can pull things together from a technological standpoint.''
Read: If we can get this done with minimal work.

But wait - did he say just Franken's show?

The new liberal talk show will feature the St. Louis Park native and former Minnesota Public Radio 'Midmorning'' show host Katherine Lanpher.
None of Air America's other programs, one of them featuring former Twin Cities comedian Lizz Winstead, will be carried by WMNN. Murray confirmed that the arrangment will be only temporary...Starboard plans to have new programming on the air by late May or early June.
So in other words, the Northern Alliance has already outlived them!

As John Kerry would say, "Braaaaang Ut Awwwwwwwwwnnn".

Posted by Mitch at March 30, 2004 05:49 PM