
April 01, 2004

Stuck On Soros

Stuck On Soros - Ukranian protesters splatter Liberal Billionaire and sugardaddy George Soros with water and glue.

The US billionaire and philanthropist George Soros was splashed with water and glue in Ukraine's capital Kiev by two young Ukrainians who burst into a hall where he was addressing a human rights conference.

"Soros, Out of Ukraine! You'll get nothing here!" the Ukrainians shouted as they carried out their protest Wednesday, the Interfax news agency reported. They were immediately detained and led away by security personnel.

Soros said he doubted it was just an ordinary incident. "Somebody is behind this," he was quoted as saying by Interfax.

Ooh! Can I cop to it?

I'd love to be behind anything bad (and non-lethal) that happens to George Soros.

The Soros Foundation is heavily involved in promoting civil society and the development of democratic ideas, chiefly in former Soviet bloc countries. But it is sometimes accused of interfering in countries' internal affairs...Former Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze, who was forced to resign after a wave of street protests by the opposition in November, accused Soros of orchestrating the campaign that led to his downfall.
Sort of what he's trying to do via here in the US.

George Soros is merely one more reason I hope Bush not only wins, but wins huuuuge this fall. It'll be fun to see him, Barbra Streisand and Rob Reiner crying in their chablis.

Posted by Mitch at April 1, 2004 05:23 AM