
April 02, 2004

Urrrrrge Toooo Kiiiiillllll - So

Urrrrrge Toooo Kiiiiillllll - So I have WiFi in the house - an 11b router I got for $10 after the rebate last winter.

And it works great, everywhere in the house; the whole first floor gets amazing reception. My bedroom? Check. The basement? Check. Even the front porch has fabulous performance.

But there's one spot - my reading chair, in the corner of my bedroom, where I like to sit and tap away on stuff late at night or early in the morning (or, these days usually, both)...

...where, half the time, I'll be ready to post a looooong piece to the blog (or ftp a huuuge file to work), and...


Wireless Connection Not Found
What do you suppose the odds are?

Wonder if my son wants to trade rooms?

Posted by Mitch at April 2, 2004 07:08 AM