
April 02, 2004

Well, That'll Help

Well, That'll Help - After my sudden switch of domains earlier this week, my traffic - which had hit an all-time average high of around 600 visitors every weekday - plunged. I was averaging 1-200 visitors a day (not counting the two days when I was off the air and had none at all).

It's amazing what an Instalanche and a simultaneous shout-out from James Lileks on the Hugh Hewitt show will do to fix things.

And of course it's really humbling, truly, being mentioned not once but twice (according to the Commissioner today - I didn't hear that hour of the show) in the company of the likes of Evangelical Outpost, Mark Roberts, ElectionProjection, the Monkeys, Rantburg, DenBeste, Bainbridge, Washington Monthly, Flashbunny, Conservative Crust, AllahPundit, Totten, Welch, Sullivan, Johnson, Blair, Antler, Althouse, McArdle, Jarvis, Volokch, McGuire and Smash - people I read and admire - not to mention my Northern Alliance colleagues at Fraters, Powerline and the Captain.

Thanks, James and Professor! It's the best domain-warming present I've ever had!

Posted by Mitch at April 2, 2004 04:44 PM