
April 05, 2004

Load of Kos

Saturday on the Northern Alliance Radio Network, Rocket Man, JB and I pretty well list up Markos "Kos" Zuniga - the proprietor of the Daily Kos, easily the biggest liberal site.

Today? The wheels are coming off. The Kerry campaign - for which Kos is the biggest internet fundraiser - delinked him, and (reportedly) the last of the campaigns that advertised on his site has dropped its ad.

So many people have fisked his petulant, self-serving reply, it almost qualifies as piling on at this point.

Not that that's ever bothered me.

"So I said something pretty stupid last week. I served up the wingnuts a big, juicy softball. They went into a tizzy, led by Instapundit.
No, Markos - it wasn't stupid. It was a vile sunday with whipped represensible, and an evil cherry on top.

And if you want to describe the wave of opprobium you whipped up a "softball" to "wingnuts", then you are just making it easier to write you off as a wanky, whiny little wanna-be wonk with a website.

And it's you that'd be the wingnut at this point.

And for a while, I was actually pretty worried.
But the final tally was -- about 30 hate-filled emails, about 15,000 hate-filled visitors, and the pulling of three advertising spots that are going to be replaced in less than a week. (I had two emails today about people wanting to advertise despite the controversy.)
Well, then. I guess it's all OK!

That was it. Oh, they're doing their best to turn me into the devil, and they're making racist comments about my heritage and family and threatening to kick my ass -- you know, typical right-wing shit.
And you use the thin film of lunatic fringe (see: Kos' comment section) to write off the vast avalanche of thoroughly justified revulsion you stirred up among the majority of people who read you.

Is John Hinderaker a "wing nut"? Am I, Kos? Mitch Berg, who used to write for your "Political State Report?"

But if that's the best they can throw at me, I'll simply echo Kerry.
Bring it on. "
And that'd be your big probem, Kos. Your website is all about echoing other peoples' ideas.

"DailyKos" is a steady diet of poll-watching, "Open threads", and recycled spin.

When you finally let loose an actual opinion of your own, people got a look at what's under the slick image; a sick, twisted little man who is going to have to pay a lot of dues to work his way back up to "partisan hack".

There are leftyblogs I read often, both to "know the opposition" and, occasionally, because they're good blogs. Kos was never very interesting, but I always thought he was a cut or two above "Hesiod"

Unlike Markos Zuniga, I can admit that I was wrong.

Posted by Mitch at April 5, 2004 07:00 AM