
April 05, 2004

Let's Mess Things Up

Let's Mess Things Up - Yesterday, Fraters uncovered this rather bald-faced leftist ploy to generate anti-Bush propaganda - an "election" open to the whole world.

They got this via email from one of their readers, who said:

A far-left group feels that the entire world population ought to participate in our presidential election, since "it is not an exaggeration to say that the U.S. election is almost as important to citizens of other nations as it is to Americans."

This is being pushed by, among others, a hyperfeminist leftist who's a notorious dissident former nun.

Americans who so little value their citizenship ought not go unchallenged. The results of this exercise are a foregone conclusion since it's being promoted heavily in far-left circles, and undoubtedly the numbers will be picked up and echoed endlessly in the coming months as "evidence" of the President's supposed foreign policy "failure." Perhaps Bush supporters (and those on the other side who value the quaint notion of sovereignty) could take a moment to balance the scales a tad.

As of last night, it was still a small-enough production that my vote swung the results 1%. Let's see what we can do.

If these Fraters crusades can resurrect the Google image of Rudy Boschwitz, imagine the possibilities.

But first vote.

Posted by Mitch at April 5, 2004 07:27 AM