
April 06, 2004


Finally - Listened to Hugh Hewitt last night, with Eugene Volokh and Powerline's John "Rocket Man" Hinderaker, talking about the Kos flap.

One of the questions was "is there any outrage on the blogging left over Kos' stupidity?" Nobody could think of any, certainly on the leading lefty sites like Atrios or Josh "ua Michael" Marshall's DNC Points Memo.

Well, there's one, anyway:

Sadly, as is often the case, when one side is outraged about something, whether the outrage is manufactured or genuine, the other side has to become outraged over the outrage, and before long hypocrisy sets in. In The Daily Kos imbroglio, it's happening again, and in the process, some on the Left are downplaying how truly offensive Zúniga's remarks were.

Look at how some Lefty bloggers are treating the situation:
He goes on to do just that. Worth a (largely sickening) read.

As I believe I've mentioned before, there was a time I considered Kos relatively rational. I even wrote for his "Political State Report", an effort that started as an interesting multipartisan project but has fallen well short of its promise, largely because Kos ended up devoting most of his time to more partisan projects.

Today? Forget about it.

Posted by Mitch at April 6, 2004 02:19 AM