
April 07, 2004

Those That Trade Freedom For

Those That Trade Freedom For Security - For years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the USSR nd its cold war artifact, the Warsaw Pact, many people on the left - including many of my acquaintances in the Minnesota DFL party - said "I think the Soviets [or Poles, or Ukrainians, or Yugoslavs or whomever] were better off under the Communists. At least there was order".

I usually didn't answer "Sure. The order of the graveyard. In the graveyard, nobody is uppity".

I wish I had said that more often.

I read Hans Blix' latest descent in to lunacy - and I'm saying it now:

Iraq (news - web sites) is worse off now, after the U.S.-led invasion, than it was under Saddam Hussein (news - web sites), Hans Blix told a Danish newspaper Tuesday.

"What's positive is that Saddam and his bloody regime is gone, but when figuring out the score, the negatives weigh more," the former chief U.N. weapons inspector was quoted as saying in the daily newspaper Jyllands Posten.

"That accounts for the many casualties during the war and the many people who still die because of the terrorism the war has nourished," he said. "The war has liberated the Iraqis from Saddam, but the costs have been too great."

Blix, whose inspection team didn't make any significant weapons finds during months of searching Iraq before the war, has sharply criticized the United States and Britain for their invasion of Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein's regime.

Like that, Democrats? This is who'll be in charge of US foreign policy, de facto, if Kerry wins the election. The same people who figured life was better for Russians in the USSR - they had breadlines, but they were orderly breadlines, dammit! - are the ones who wax nostalgic for the glory days of Hussein today. The other morning, Katie Couric put it this way: "Hussein served as a referee between the different ethnic groups..." Yes. Just like a referee at a football game, Katie. A referee who shoots players who commit penalties, after making the player watch his wife get gang-raped and his kids shot in the face.

Perfect analogy.

Posted by Mitch at April 7, 2004 05:00 AM